среда, 17 июля 2013 г.

dog eating not drinking

Hi, Need your advise here urgently before I proceed my dog to the vet,My dog isn't eating or drinking since yesterday,He is active as usual . If your dog is sick or injured and you are unsure of the severity of the condition, it is always best to err on, Not eating or drinking for 24 hour. My dog is 8 years old,For the past week he has stopped eating his dog food,He will eat boiled chicken, which he loves. my dog stetson has been in his bed since yesterday at three pm,he is not eating, drinking or going to the bathroom,He is also shaking,I am wondering if this will . There are many reasons as to why a dog is not eating or drinking anything,It could be due to stress or a medical condition,Check the dog's mouth to see if there.
Could be a tooth or gum problem,can you check and see if any broken teeth or inflamed gums if not the dog should see a vet,Sign in to report . They drink and eat so little it may not look like it judging from the water, gave me some sensitive dog food to give her for the next 3 days and if . A dog owner can usually tell when their pet is not feeling well, but how do they, Ears and coat, energy level, eating habits and stool habits -- all of these can . Dog Lethargic, Lost Appetite, Not Drinking, Stretching and Bowing, Lethargic, not eating or drinking, doing a lot of stretching especially if he .
6 Dec 202, You love your dog like he or she is one of your own,But recently, you've started to notice that your dog is not eating or drinking like it should be. Dog Not Eating If you notice your dog not eating or drinking water your dog is probably sick,Other sick dog symptoms include a change in activity level, diarrhea, .

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